2009 NPC Junior National Bodybuilding Championships Men's Prejudging Part 2
Light-Heavy, Heavy & Super-Heavyweight Classes • 1 hour 51 minutes
The Junior National Championships is always the place to see the new, up-and-coming bodybuilders from across the nation. The Prejudging Part Two video shows you all of the men in the light-heavyweight, heavyweight, super-heavyweight classes on-stage. You'll see their physiques compared side-by-side. Then each person in these weight classes performs an individual routine of poses. You'll see what the judges saw in this video. Shot entirely in head-to-toe wide shots so that you see overall symmetry as well as muscle definition. • 1 hour 51 minutes
Athletes Appearing In This Video
- Alfred Davis
- Ali Mokalled
- Anthony King
- Bekim Rizvani
- Billy Moritz
- Brandon Richards
- Brett Becker
- Brian Thompson
- Brian Yersky
- Chris Tuttle
- Christopher Hobbs
- Christopher Mahon
- DeCarlo Lewis
- Duane Ellis
- Eric Mason
- Eric Posejpal
- Jaime Davila
- James Campbell
- Jason David
- Jermichael Pratt
- Joe Romine
- John Johnson
- John Quint
- Jonathan Bradley
- Jonathan Delarosa
- Juan Morel
- Kevin Jordan
- Klaus Pritschet
- Lance Johnson
- Lee Richards
- Les Galloway
- Libel Remedios
- Lorenzo Pate
- Luric Edison
- Marlon Foots
- Matthew Johnson
- Maurice Black
- Max Fairchild
- Michael Termini
- Mike Best
- Mike Gritti
- Nate Hoppe
- Nate Petersen
- Nick Palermo
- Nick Zakotiria
- Rafael Jaramillo
- Ransford Jackson
- Richard Burke
- Robert Youells
- Ryan Fasano
- Scott Stevenson
- Sean Barber
- Sean Royer
- Sergio Oliva, Jr.
- Shawn Simonet
- Sherwin Pagtakhan
- T.J Schoenborn
- Timmy Gaillard
- Tony D'Arceneaux
- Tony Friedrich III
- Tyler Berry
- Vince Wright
- Weston Simon
- Zinjun Croon