1998 NPC Teen/Collegiate Nationals Men's Pump Room
All Classes • 55 minutes
Repetrope unveils a DVD re-issue of an incredible pump room video from the 1998 NPC Teen & Collegiate National Bodybuilding Championships. See all of the men in the 1998 Teen and Collegiate National Championships up-close and personal as they pump up, oil, and practice posing. Our cameras bring you crystal-clear close-ups of these amazing young physiques. A great way to get an informal look at all the competitors. Featuring Marvis Reymer, Jonathan Domingue, Zeke Samples, Zeb Stewart, Jason Armstrong, Mike Lackner, Tommy Wooster and more! • 55 minutes
Athletes Appearing In This Video
- Aaron Powell
- Aaron Rutler
- Adam Lockwood
- Bobby Adzema
- Bryant Pangelinan
- Corey Berwick
- Dave King
- David Dalton
- David Hornezes
- Durrell Lewis
- Jason Armstrong
- Jason Fine
- Jesse Lieberman
- John Simone
- Jonathan Domingue
- Keith Herman
- Lonn Koentopp
- Marvis Raymer
- McIntyre Terry
- Mike Lackner
- Neil Phillip
- Nichola Katrichis
- Rhonda Costello
- Ricky Durand
- Ryan Thomas
- Sean Cox
- Shane Jeschenig
- Steven Helin
- Thomas Wooster
- Troy Janda
- Will Hasting
- Zeb Stewart
- Zeke Samples